Maintenance Requests


Throughout your property's operations, minor damages and concerns with individual rooms may come up time and time again. These issues aren't typically anything that would keep a guest from staying in the room - perhaps one of the light bulbs in the bathroom has burnt out, or the television isn't getting signal - and in most cases can be resolved within the day.

Chorum accommodates for these scenarios through the use of Maintenance Requests, a special form used to document and track issues reported with individual rooms. As an added benefit, maintenance requests can not only be directly accessed from Chorum but from Chorum Mobile as well, if implemented at your property. See Mobile Setup (App) for more information about this app.

It should be noted that Maintenance requests are not the same as Out of Order requests. The latter form is a way of cataloging and addressing major issues that otherwise prevent a guest from booking the room (see Out of Order Rooms).

To begin, access the Housekeeping module. Then, expand the View folder and open the Maintenance Request menu.

Use the Add button to add a blank row for setup. Otherwise, if editing an existing request, simply select the desired request and edit the needed columns.

Save your work when finished to commit the request. Be aware that once saved, the room number assigned to a given request cannot be changed. Once saved, your list of request(s) may be reviewed and printed at anytime using the Print Request Report button at the top of the menu.

See below for a description of each column.



Room #

The room number is required before a new request can be saved. Once saved, this value cannot change without closing and making a new request.

Room Type

The room type's short code. This field auto-populates after a new request is saved, based on the assigned room number.

Reported On

The date the request was first saved. Presently, this is also treated as the request's "due date" in Chorum Mobile, based on the idea that maintenance requests are typically resolved within the same day they were submitted.

See Maintenance (Mobile) for more information related to a request's "due date."


By default, a request's status is Open (indicating work has not begun or is in progress). Once the request is resolved, the status can be changed to Closed. This will also automatically populate the following two columns.

Closed On

Once closed, the request auto-populates this column with the date of closure. This column is often compared to the reported date to identify long term maintenance issues, or to prove an issue was reported fixed in the event.

Closed By

Once closed, the request auto-populates this column with the user name of whoever closed the request. In the event the same issue is reported for the same room, or a guest expresses that the issue was not repaired, this column is typically used to follow-up with the individual who closed the request to find out more.


The list of reasons and their meanings are controlled by your property. This will generally be a categorization of the issue as opposed to a detailed description. See Maintenance Request Reasons for more information.


You may attack image files (.gif, .jpg, or .png) to the request from your workstation. This feature can also be used in Chorum Mobile to take and attack pictures directly from the mobile device when submitting or updating a request. This feature is generally used to provide a visual reference of the reported issue.


When submitting or modifying a request, add any notes or comments relevant to the request here. While not required, this is strongly recommended to make sure maintenance staff are more prepared to address the issue when they arrive in the reported room.


(Trash Can Icon)

Use this button to delete an existing maintenance request. Doing so removes the line from the maintenance request menu in addition to removing it from any reports tracking the request. In most cases, it is recommended you do not delete a closed request until approximately 90 days after it has been closed.